Saturday, March 9, 2013


Don't want to sleep, but it must be so... ah the death of sleep, but sadly never true death. Only to die again when the dream ends.

Sleep, such a mystery. We know the endless benefits of a goodnight's sleep. We know much of the negative effects of to little sleep. And it seems more and more we go with to little sleep. Yet we know there is so much more going on that we dont grasp. Dreams are one, and have an idea what the majority of are dreams do for us. There are dreams and the there are Dreams. Ones so vivid as to be real, ones with deep meaning if we only but could understand the message.

Dreams are a crossroads. One many of us may never use, or once or twice in our lives. Others traverse it nightly. Visiting friends and loved ones is not to uncommon. Glimpses of the future sure that can happen. Yet you can also catch a glimpse of your past as well, if not this life then another. Yet dreams are close to what your existence was like before you where born. A small glimpse of what awaits you if you dont wake up.

Another branch on the road of dreams, this one leads to the realm of the dead. To see the dead, to cross over into Hel, for a brief glimpse, a message. This can happen. Our ancestors, if we are willing, will communicate with us. Dreams are just one way. If not us going to them they they will come into our dreams. 

Another turning and lo and behold the Gods themselves, the land of faerie, and other realms mystical can be reached from are dreams.Though we may visit we may not be allowed to see, which is a bit of  bummer. Personal experience with that. 

All of this and more awaits us in our dreams. Sleep can be such a welcome form of escape from the harshness of life. It can also teach us much of ourselves, guide us and comfort us. We have only to remember  and/or strive to wake up in our dreams, or implant suggestions of where we want our dreams to take us. 

One last thing to consider. If our dreams allow so much, that it is our subconsciousness speaking to us. Then know this. Your subconscious is your soul's conscious mind.   

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