Two pieces of old scribbles
been thinking of the past a bit lately
whisper to me.....whispers
in the dark
in the soul
the Darkness whispers to me, whispers things i can not hear, but things i can feel
the soul is such a guarded creature, one that hides it self, or flaunts itself among others
among the creatures i roam there souls are silent, every once in awhile one will whisper to me
some like his where gaurded at first, then it realized what i was and screamed in silence its own Darkness.
her soul whispered of past ties with mine, and other little things
her soul revealed itself once to be as dark as mine before hiding itself again
his was a kindred soul
and theirs where tied and found another like themselves in mine
his soul speaks of past pain and looks for one to listen
and her soul entices me, whispers to me of many things, to be held, to be helped, her true self wishs to be free and fully accepted, her soul spoke of never finding one such as it, till it met mine
and so the whispers grow more clarity
and my soul yearns to help them
to listen and hold them
the darkness whispers of the past and of the future, who i truelly was, and things long past, of a future that may be or may not be
She whispers to me
what She says i can not yet hear
but i feel it
deep in my soul
whispers in the Darkness
the whispers of the soul
i can hear you
And the second scribble
a Dragon
a God
the First and the Last
i know both the Light and the Dark
i know both Good and Evil
and i know there is no such thing
there only is you and what you do
free to choose, free to live, free to be what you are, nothing else, nothing less.
so be you and fear not
the Darkness
for the Darkness is Life
so fear not to live
fear not to be who you truelly are
return to the Darkness and know true love and joy
tread the darkest paths of your inner self
and come to know there is nothing to fear
be free
Both of these scribbles are pulled from somewhere deep within myself
but that was years ago, yet they still seem fitting after all this time.
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