A concept of constant struggle. Something that lurks at the back of the mind, something we try best to ignore. This question of whether or not one does or the meaning behind it. If we do or do not would be a matter of personal perception. We all perceive our existence differently from one another. Mine is somewhat removed.I view the world and everyday from a distance. While I might exist in this reality, a large part of what makes me me, is somewhere else. So as a result to interact and feel something is much more difficult.
Is there a meaning to this existence, no. There is no meaning. Any meaning we ascribe to it is personal. And largely an illusion at that. My life has a purpose, one I have given it. One part is in the day to day life of the choices I made that brought me here. The other is a part of the personal myth that comprises the story I tell of myself to help define myself. As we are the stories we tell on another.
The meta-level meaning that appeals to me is this. We are all one entity and in order to learn, have experience's so as to evolve and grow. In order to do this we split our consciousness into a multitude and then restricted that multitude's awareness of itself. Made them to believe that they are individual's and unconnected. All this to learn and reconnect, to come back to our source. So that we may continue to evolve. The experiences we have in this limited existence will aid in the evolution of all of us as we are all one in the end.
There is more to this and better said by others.
This is something that one would hope provide some comfort and perhaps act as a guiding force in one's life. Its not that easy of course. It easy to forget, easy to stray down dark depressing corridors of ones mind and soul.
Existence is not easy, made harder by existing in a co-created reality that seems geared toward strife and divisive perceptions. For some of us, its almost impossible to survive and contribute to this kind of a world. Our perception of reality would be better suited to life a couple thousand years ago. But here we are. So lets learn, experience life and evolve to a better version of who we are.
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