Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Help Us Make Our Goal!


Hi, I am Amanda Torrey, the Executive Director of The Deviant Minds,NFP.  Our focus is to create collaborative events between Chicago’s universities, community activists and media to diminish the fear and misinformation prevalent in our society around sensitive sexual topics.

Every problem we have around Gender & Sexuality illustrates how human judgment is not a simple mental process, but also engages our emotions and bodies. We need to create a forum to listen and respond to the great and many influences that contribute to our cultural standards.  Since there is a large gap between what our youth learn in school and out, to achieve the most success, we need to reach out to entertainment celebrities & athletes as well as education experts.  Adding dimension to the spectrum will allow for a comprehensive approach to the already existing conservative push toward what is presented in a Sex/Gender Education and Awareness.
With all the information available to us, hopefully we are better equiped to engender a comprehensive Education and Awareness campaign.  Our main focus will be the marketing and promotion of inspiring information from these multi-faceted events scheduled to begin in September.  ie SLUT WALK, is a feminist rights movement that started in Toronto Canada on January 24, 2011, when a Toronto Policeman remarked: “women should avoid dressing like sluts in order not to be victimized.” This one statement ignited a protest here in Chicago so big it’s on its 3rd consecutive year of protest in September.  We are aiming to take advantage of the momentum and the public’s receptivity of this topic to begin our campaign.

Predictably media in print, radio or TV involves a big portion of the budget.  As we begin, we’d like to first access our Chicago talent with the idea of booking 5 pubs/cafes with a capacity for hosting a medium sized group (50‐100 people), and set‐up multiple dates and times, with topics and speakers. We would publish our calendar of events publicly on the internet, newspaper,  radio and television. All local media in the city will be notified as well as a Press Release of our Program Schedule. Press Releases will also be sent to the national media and thru the wire. Building a responsible model to disseminate information is our primary concern. But it is extremely important to impart this richly meaningful information, in a way that we can easily respond through the heart, mind and spirit of our human understanding to better internalize what we’re being given.

You can donate here of course, but you can also come to my website athttp://www.thedeviantminds.org. Or, if you have a suggestion for a venue, contact me at  amanda.torrey@gmail.com.  Perhaps you're a student at one of Chicago's colleges/universities that's involved with a student group who'd want to get involved?  Maybe you're part of a concerned parent's group who'd like to be a part of their child's sex education?  This should be a community effort linking our kids with their school and community.  Be part of the energetic connection.  And

Thank You So Much for your generosity.


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