Friday, February 8, 2013


Spiritualism has always been one of those things that has piqued my interest. Off and on ever since I first discovered it. Though it has come to nothing more then a passing familiarity with its history. I believe it interests me more for its simple message of a cyclic nature to existence  because I have issues with existence. (Which I will get into at a later time) And that what they once could do was impressive, and that in my own way I would love to do for different reasons.

Spiritualism was a big thing in the late nineteenth early twentieth century. Pretty much started with two girls, the Fox sisters in 1883/4 and a father more curious then afraid of the supernatural. From there it spread across the country. The channeling of spirits then was a big deal. An amusing past time as it were.  You could expect to hear a multitude of sounds, from rapping tables to trumpets. Floating objects, appearance's by the spirit, from just hands to a full body, reports of items from the ocean floor being teleported to the people addressing the spirits to the people themselves being teleported to another location, several miles away. Alot of this vanished though. In part do to mediums who where frauds, and those skeptics out to prove everyone was a fraud, despite their being some who where not. You could in a sense call these debunkers the first ghost hunters. Because of this they turned away from the attention grabbing  effects to a more mental mediumship. Today this is attributed more to the fact that it is no longer needed.  That what one today needs is a strong message not fancy effects. And I think with the way are society and technology has evolved this is truer now then it was then.

Due to a variety of factors in the mid twentieth century spiritualism became a religious movement, though it never started out or was intended to be. But there are churches scattered across america and other countries. Its pretty much like any other church, except for the the occasional message from a spirit to a full on sermon from the other side. The message is simple, life continues on after death.
Today it is still possible, though to the extent of those time, I dont know. I think today we as a whole no longer believe, to skeptical and to jaded. This I think prevents many of us from opening up enough to become a medium, and/or to allow the spirits the ability to fully manifest in a such away as to make us believe again. I myself have a hard time despite my own experience's. I cant open enough to get much, and then it never seems to be spirits of are ancestors that come to me like they did for are fore bearers.

 Then you have Tesla who built a radio that creeped him out, he heard conversations in a unknown language  Who knows maybe someone on the other side of the planet built something similar  the first ham radio perhaps or maybe even the so called Electronic Voice Phenomenon. You can build it, the plans are on the internet. Though my look into was superficial, these folks who talk about building it, they're clueless. They talk of it without appearing to understand the differences between today and a hundred years ago. That in the past we did not have digital technology, computers, over saturation of radio waves and what not, not to mention the pollution and radiation in the air. All of this would effect the radio Tesla built as far as what it would intercept or would interfere with what it received  This is but one option out of the many ways to communicate with the other side. And apparently they are there waiting to be heard if we will but listen.

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